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ASAA Resources

The Alaska School Activities Association is a statewide nonprofit organization established to direct, develop and support Alaska’s secondary interscholastic sports, academic and fine arts activities. ASAA is responsible for sanctioning 36 activities ranging from fall, winter and spring sports, to music, art, drama, debate, language and student government. ASAA sets competitive seasons, sponsors state competitions, regulates sports officials and provides eligibility criteria for students.

ASAA is also a member of the National Federation of State High School Associations. Executive directors of associations from all 50 states meet twice a year to set policy for the federation’s membership. In addition, through a strong committee structure, coaches, officials, and others, help set national direction with regard to inter-scholastic competition. While each state’s association is autonomous, the National Federation provides standardization through rule-making for each sport, as well as guidance for non-athletic event, such as choosing the year’s topic for debate competition.


ASAA Regulations and Resources